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Master of Science, Healthcare Administration. Certified Healthcare Business Consultant. Certified Business Appraiser. Certified Valuation Analyst.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Healthcare Fraud, Medicare Exclusion, and Federally Funded Healthcare

The Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector general is producing a series of informative videos on compliance issues pertaining to Medicare and Medicaid. Here is one such video on Exclusion Authorities and Effects of Exclusion.  If a physician is excluded from participation in any federally funded healthcare program, they cannot accept federal funds or practice in a similar setting where such funds are received.  This video also defines the differences between mandatory exlucisions and permissive exlusions.  Exclusion from medicare or other federal programs doesn't just apply to licensed clinicans, but also includes unlicensed personnel, corporations and their officers.  Length of exlusion can be for a set term or indefinitley.  Minimum term for mandatory exlusion is 5 years; reinstatement is not automatic after the end of the term.

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